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Η δράση Zero Waste στην 87η ΔΕΘ

The Zero Waste Initiative at the 88th TIF

TIF-HELEXPO, committed to sustainability principles and in the context of achieving ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) goals, adopted the ZERO WASTE initiative in February 2023. Since then, the Company's goal has been for this initiative to accompany all its exhibition events.

During the 88th TIF, the International Exhibition and Conference Center will be equipped with facilities for proper waste sorting.

Exhibitors and visitors are encouraged to take active action by placing their waste in specially marked sorting bins, thus ensuring the correct disposal of both recyclable materials and organic waste. Through this process, waste streams are separated at the source, collected, and sent for processing to be given a "second life."

How the ZERO WASTE Initiative is Implemented

During this year’s Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), the ZERO WASTE initiative will be implemented through the collection of waste in three distinct categories (streams):

  • Recyclable materials (clean paper, plastic, aluminum objects, and special containers for glass)

  • Organic waste (unpackaged food scraps)

  • Non-recyclable materials

For proper waste collection, the following measures are planned:

Placement of collection bins with distinct signage (ZERO WASTE Points) at designated locations throughout the exhibition for the convenience of the public (building entrances, cafeterias, etc.).

Transportation of the materials to certified facilities for the management of organic and recyclable materials.

Throughout the event, specialized personnel will be present at these points to inform visitors and exhibitors about the correct way to dispose of waste.

After the event, the total amount of waste collected will be weighed, and the results will be shared to serve as a benchmark for the next event.

The initiative is implemented with the kind support of: 

ELDIA (, FODSA Central Macedonia (, HERRCO (, IFS (

Map with ZERO WASTE points